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Montana: where mad men pen mad manifestoís, build bombs, and mail them.
| Ted Kaczynski - life sentence without the possibility of parole for sending bombs in the mail. | ||
’Tis a crime to murder women young at heart and supple of flesh. As the Son of Samís gunshot sounded, so did a midsummer nightís scream, another nubile victim snuffed out by evil.
| David Berkowitz - six life sentences for killing six people. | ||
"When I get to the bottom/I go back to the top of the slide/Where I stop and turn/and go for a ride," sang the Beatles. "Kill innocent people," heard Charles Manson, and kill he did. | Charles Manson - life sentence for first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder. | ||
The fuel for the Roaring Twenties was provided by booze, prohibited by law, and distributed by Al Capone, gangster extraordinaire. | Al Capone - eleven years for income tax evasion. | ||
Wanted: The meanest bastard you ever saw. John Dillinger was a handsome devil with a wisp of a mustache and a smile slightly askew, the corners of his lips raised in wicked delight, his eyes dark, his soul darker. | John Dillinger - 10 -20 years for assault and battery, and conspiracy to commit a felony. Later charged with murder and killed by law enforcement. | ||
In the bronze glow of a scintillating sunset, tumbleweeds sway in the dust, caressed by a wind that sometimes whispers the name of the fastest draw in the Old West, Billy the Kid. | Henry McCarty - found guilty of murder and sentenced to hang. Escaped and later killed by law enforcement.
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The Robin Hood of the American West, Jesse James stole and murdered, vile acts of crime. But at least he never cheated on Sandra Bullock.
| Jesse James - wanted for murder and armed robbery. Killed by a member of his own gang. |
Badass. Good writin'!